As of February 27, 2015, NJDEP air permit fee increases have taken effect. Most fees for preconstruction permits and permit renewals increased 44%. Fees for general permits increased 100% with the exception of those for dry cleaning facilities which increased 40%. An updated schedule for permit renewal fees is listed below for convenience. This fee increase will be in effect until 2019 when permit fees will again be re-evaluated by DEP. As this increase is significant, it may be necessary to review any permit fee line items within a facility’s budget to ensure that there is a sufficient amount allocated. For assistance in determining the renewal dates of air permits, contact Tommy Perez (Thomas.perez@baronenv.com) for more information.
General permit $820.00 ea.
Renewal of operating certificate $1,267.00 (for the 1st piece of equipment)
$338.00 (for each additional piece of equipment)
Example: Renewal of one operating certificate with 4 pieces of equipment
$1,267 (for the 1st piece of equipment) + ($338 * 3) = $2,281 total due