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NJDEP Air Permit Fee Increases Take Effect

Suzanne Custons

Baron Air Permitting Update

As of February 27, 2015, NJDEP air permit fee increases have taken effect. Most fees for preconstruction permits and permit renewals increased 44%. Fees for general permits increased 100% with the exception of those for dry cleaning facilities which increased 40%. An updated schedule for permit renewal fees is listed below for convenience. This fee increase will be in effect until 2019 when permit fees will again be re-evaluated by DEP. As this increase is significant, it may be necessary to review any permit fee line items within a facility’s budget to ensure that there is a sufficient amount allocated. For assistance in determining the renewal dates of air permits, contact Tommy Perez ( for more information.

General permit $820.00 ea.

Renewal of operating certificate $1,267.00 (for the 1st piece of equipment)

$338.00 (for each additional piece of equipment)

Example: Renewal of one operating certificate with 4 pieces of equipment

$1,267 (for the 1st piece of equipment) + ($338 * 3) = $2,281 total due

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