The Release and Pollution Prevention Report (RPPR) is used to collect information for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Community Right-to-Know and Pollution Prevention programs.
The New Jersey reporting requirements for the RPPR are closely linked to the requirements for the federal Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI) pursuant to EPCRA Section 313.
Who Must Submit an RPPR?
Any “employer” (N.J.A.C. 7:1G-1.2) or any “priority industrial facility” (N.J.A.C. 7:1K-1.5) that is subject to the reporting requirements of the federal TRI program, is subject to the preparation of a Pollution Prevention Plan and submission of a Release and Pollution Prevention Report (RPPR) and a Pollution Prevention Plan Summary. [N.J.A.C 7:1K-3.1 and 7:1G-4.1(a)]
The facility must report on the RPPR and include in their P2 Plans and Plan Summaries any TRI substances that reach the NJ threshold, which is 10,000 pounds for substances that were “manufactured, processed, or otherwise used.” (Note: The NJ threshold only applies once the federal threshold has been reached.) [N.J.A.C 7:1K-3.4(a), 3.5(a) and 7:1G-4.1(b)]
Reports are submitted online at and are due on July 1st.