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Investing in Workplace Safety and Health

Sue Meyer

Health and Safety Consulting NJ

Workplace injuries, fatalities, and illnesses cost businesses and employers billions of dollars every year. Employers that implement effective safety and health management systems could significantly reduce injuries and illnesses, and reduce the costs associated with these injuries and illnesses. Those costs include workers’ compensation payments, medical expenses and lost productivity.

Many studies have been done on this topic and are discussed at DOL OSHA’s website:

Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe workplace. A few of these responsibilities include:

  • Provide a workplace free from serious recognized hazards

  • Make sure employees have and use safe tools and equipment and properly maintain this equipment

  • Provide safety training in a language workers can understand

  • Employers with hazardous chemicals in the workplace must develop and implement a written hazard communications program and train employees on the hazards they are exposed to

  • Other responsibilities can be found at

Investing in workplace safety and health may improve your company’s productivity and bottom line. Baron Environmental Associates can help you get started on your workplace safety and health evaluation. We can also set up safety and health training for your employees. Contact Suzanne Custons at

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