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New General Permit Available

Sue Meyer

Baron Air Permitting Assistance

The Air Quality Permitting Program has announced a new general permit entitled: General Permit (GP-001A) for "Solid Material Storage Equipment." This general permit replaces the current general permit (GP-001) for "Bulk Solid Materials Receiving and Storage Systems."

The Notice of Availability was published in the April 06, 2015 issue of the New Jersey Register. This new general permit is now available. GP-001 and associated renewals will no longer be available for use by registrants after this date.

Bulk solid materials receiving and storage systems currently registered under GP-001 can continue to operate until:

- The registrant's current general permit expiration date, before which time the registrant must register for authorization under GP-001A, as applicable, or apply for and receive approval for a source-specific permit and certificate for continued operation of the solid material storage equipment; or

- The bulk solid materials receiving and storage equipment is replaced or modified, before which time the registrant must register for authorization under GP-001A, as applicable, or apply for and receive approval for a source specific permit and certificate prior to operation of the replaced or modified equipment.

This new General Permit GP-001A will be available at For additional information, please call Mike Adhanom at NJDEP at 609-633-8242.

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