The U.S Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued out citations to a New Jersey construction company for a series of potentially life threatening safety violations on two different job sites. OSHA began their regulatory inspections of one site in October and observed workers on a high rooftop without any fall protection. Another inspection was opened in the second site in response to complaints about fall hazards.
OSHA requires that workers on elevated platforms or rooftops have:
Guard rails, and toe-boards on open sides of platforms, holes, and by any dangerous equipment
Hole covers on any holes in floors
Netting or covers blocking any holes in walls
Any other means of fall protection on certain jobs such as safety harnesses, safety nets, hand railings, or fall arrest systems.
Aside from lack of fall protection, the New Jersey construction company was issued repeated violations for failing to wear protective eye gear, which when used properly can guard against chemical, radiological, mechanical, and environmental irritants and hazardous. Failure to wear protective eye gear can result in eye loss, blindness and other serious eye related injuries.
Another citation was given to the company because workers were carelessly tossing shingles from a roof without the use of a container or holder to catch the fallen materials. This can cause life-threatening injuries to individuals on the ground of the construction site as well as to any pedestrians passing by.
Due to the negligence of the New Jersey construction company, they received over $100,000 in penalties. To make sure your company is following these regulations, visit https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/fallprotection/ for more information on fall protection and overall safety in the workplace.
If you have any questions regarding fall protection or any other safety concerns, please contact Suzanne Custons at suzanne.custons@baronenv.com.