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NJDEP Basic Industrial Stormwater Permit (5G2) Renewal

Kaylin Mahoney

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) offers a Basic Industrial General Stormwater Permit (5G2) for industrial facilities that are able to eliminate exposure of source materials to stormwater. The former General Permit became effective on February 1, 2013 and expired on January 31, 2018. The renewed permit has been available from February 1, 2018 and is set to expire January 31, 2023. The final permit is available on the NJDEP’s website:

The NJDEP, Division of Water Quality, Bureau of Nonpoint Pollution Control has released a Fact Sheet ( that highlights the permit changes as well as other general 5G2 information. There are no major changes that were proposed with the renewed general permit. Many of the minor changes included new language and updated definitions in order to simplify the permit. There are however, a few other modifications that are in place, including the following:

  • The following must be electronically submitted in order to comply with the USEPA Electronic Reporting Rule effective December 21, 2020.

  • General permit authorization requests (i.e. Requests for Authorization or RFAs)

  • General permit termination/revocation requests

  • Certification Forms

  • An RFA must now include a site map of the facility and property

  • There is a new email address for electronic submission of annual certifications:

In addition, the 5G2 certification form ( has been updated to include a list of specific permit actions that the permittee must certify as complete, through the use of check boxes.

Every facility that currently has a 5G2 Basic Industrial Stormwater Permit should have received an automatic renewal on February 1, 2018 as well as a copy of their final permit. There are no additional fees associated with the renewal, but all facilities will be required to pay their annual fee for 2018 as is normal.

If your facility has the 5G2 Basic Industrial Stormwater Permit and you have any uncertainty about the DEP compliance requirements, please feel free to touch base with us. One of Baron's EHS Professionals can review your facility’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) and visit the site to ensure all new items contained in the permit are understood, have been implemented, and are in compliance. If you have any questions or would like Baron’s assistance, please contact Kaylin Mahoney at

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