Finishing shy of the game winning scorecard, the team representing Baron Environmental, Veolia North America, Chanel, and BB&C showed remarkable course awareness at the May 7, 2018 8th Annual Alumni and Friends Golf Classic Fundraiser at Heron Glen Golf Course. The event raises funds for thousands of scouts in Northern and Central New Jersey, and was once again a success.
After learning that two team members in the foursome (Dean Seman and Brian Long) earned their Environmental Engineering degrees in Happy Valley Pennsylvania, Todd Kato led us off with a monstrous tee-shot and a backslap comment that “Penn State doesn’t even deserve an athletics program.” #icebreaker #rutgersgrad #jtbarrettlover. Despite the initial ruckus that ensued, Kevin Ruta held together the composure of the foursome as he questionably putted, through the high rough, and placed our 3rd shot on the 525 yard Par-5 within a few inches of the cup.
Aside from being reprimanded by the groundskeeper for incorrectly driving our golf cart on the fairway of a par-3, we finished the day with minimal flaws and a deeper understanding of why a day on the course is good for the mind and soul.