Baron has recently completed an analysis of NJ DEP’s penalty activities for inspections that occurred during the 2018 calendar year. A total 974 penalties were issued with a total cost to the regulated community of over $8.7 million dollars.
As is typical, the Northern Region (consisting of the counties of Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex and Warren) issued the most penalties with 420 that totaled almost $4 million. The Central Region (consisting of the counties of Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean and Union) was close behind with 326 penalties totaling $2.4 million. The Southern Region (consisting of the counties of Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem) brings up the rear with 203 penalties and a total of $1.4 million. An additional 25 penalties were issued to out of state organizations with a total of less than $1 million.
The table below shows the total number of penalties issued by DEP’s 11 major program areas:

All penalties were reviewed to determine the most common violations possible for Baron’s industrial customers. The table below shows the most common penalties for industrial facilities during 2018:

Baron provides all clients in its EHS Risk Mitigation program this enforcement data and more during our quarterly client meetings. Please call (908) 508-9000 for more information on this essential compliance resource for your facility.