August 2, 2019
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (Department) received a request to modify its Emission Statement Rules to extend the date for Emission Statements submitted electronically through the NJDEP Online Portal (Portal). At this time, the Department is not considering any rule changes but will review the request prior to any future rule amendments. For the past several years, the Department had allowed a 30-day extension for the Emission Statements submitted electronically through the Portal. This 30-day extension allowed facilities to submit Emission Statements through the Portal by June 15 (instead of May 15, the rule deadline) while the Department worked through any potential flaws in the Portal submission process. With the NJDEP Online Portal submittal now fully implemented, this extension is no longer needed. Accordingly, the Department has updated its webpage for the Annual Emission Statements Program. The update clarifies the Emission Statements submittal dates as follows: - Emission Statement submittals on paper, due to confidentiality claims or on hardship grounds consistent with N.J.A.C. 7:21.4(d), are due annually by April 15. - Emission Statements submitted electronically, either through the NJDEP Online Portal or on a disk, are due annually by May 15. If meeting the due date set forth at N.J.A.C. 7:27-21.4 for submittal of an Emission Statement would cause extreme hardship, a facility may request an extension, consistent with N.J.A.C. 7:21.9 The Department plans to send another communication in January 2020 as a reminder to the regulated facilities.
August 19, 2019
The Division of Air Quality is announcing the opportunity for public comment on the proposed general permit applications or renewals:
“GP-009B for Boiler(s) greater than or equal to 10 MMBTU/hr., and less than 50 MMBTU/hr.” at minor air facilities.
“GOP-009 for a Boiler greater than or equal to 10 MMBtu/hr., and less than 50 MMBTU/hr.” at major air facilities.
The Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment is scheduled to be published in the August 19, 2019 issue of the New Jersey Register. There is a 30-day public comment period. The proposed General Operating Permit is available for review at the Department’s website: http://www.nj.gov/dep/aqpp
A copy of the proposed general operating permit may also be obtained by contacting: Carrie Dooley at (609) 633-2336 or Carrie.Dooley@dep.nj.gov
For technical questions on this proposed General Operating Permit, contact Mike Adhanom (609) 633-8242
Comments may be submitted to Mike Adhanom at: mike.adhanom@dep.nj.gov
or to the address listed below:
Mail code 401-02 NJ Department of Environmental Protection Air Quality, Energy and Sustainability Bureau of Stationary Sources PO Box 420 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420