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Does Your Facility Require a Physical Connection Permit?

Suzanne Custons

Updated: Nov 11, 2020

Baron has recently held discussions with NJ Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Division of Water Supply and Geoscience Bureau of Water System Engineering to determine precisely which manufacturing facilities require a physical connection permit for their backflow preventers.

Per N.J.A.C. 7:10 Subchapter 10 (Physical Connections and Cross Connection Control by Containment) Appendix A (Facilities with Cross-Connection Hazards), most manufacturing facilities fall into one or more of the specified categories.

The Bureau of Water System Engineering considers all manufacturing facilities to be “unapproved water sources” and therefore required to maintain both a backflow prevention device(s) and a physical connection permit unless the facility is not connected to a public water supply system. The vast majority of manufacturing facilities in New Jersey utilize public water systems for part or all of their water needs and therefore are covered by these requirements.

What are the basic requirements that a facility must meet?

Manufacturing facilities must have a backflow preventer on all incoming water lines that connect directly with a public water supply including fire supply lines. Backflow preventers must be constructed and installed according to NJDEP rules for these devices. Physical connection permits run from April 1st– March 31stin New Jersey. Facilities must submit a permit renewal application prior to January 31stof each year in order to remain in good standing with the Department along with the associated fee which is currently $400/year. Initial permit applications require the signature of both the local Board of Health and the owner of the public water supply that a facility is attached to.

Once a facility is in possession of a physical connection permit, quarterly pressure testing for tightness is required and each year, an internal physical inspection must be completed within six (6) months of submitting the renewal application. All testing must be conducted by a certified tester holding a valid backflow prevention device tester certificate from an organization authorized by NJDEP to certify testers.

The results of testing must be recorded on the Quarterly Physical Connection Test and Maintenance report which must be submitted with each renewal application and maintained for at least five (5) years.

If your facility needs assistance with obtaining or maintaining a Physical Connection Permit, please contact Baron Environmental Associates at (908) 508-9000.

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