On 4/27/20 the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) has announced in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:27A-3.10(q) through (t), extensions for grace periods for certain air permit monitoring and submittal requirements due to COVID19. The extensions only apply to New Jersey requirements and do not apply to federally enforceable requirements in an air permit.
Submittal requirements for Excess Emissions and Monitoring Systems Performance Reports / Excess Emission Reports (EEMPR), and Semi-Annual Deviation Reports have been extended as follows: "on or 90 days after the date set forth in a facility’s air permit".
If unable to perform the Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA) during the required quarter, a facility can perform a Cylinder Gas Audit (CGA) in its place.
Facilities with annual combustion adjustments (ACA) coming due have an additional 90 days to complete the adjustment and based upon the language in the compliance advisory an additional 45 days beyond the normal 45 days to submit the certification of the adjustment to the NJDEP.
This extension could be rescinded at any time, so Baron recommends continuing with your normal schedule if possible.
The 4/27/20 Compliance Alert can be accessed at http://www.nj.gov/dep/enforcement/advisories/2020-09.pdf
For assistance with any COVID19 related EHS concerns, please do not hesitate to email any of the Baron staff. You can also schedule a 30-minute call directly from our website calendar here.