The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Air Permitting group held its triennial Industrial Stakeholders Group (ISG) meeting on June 5, 2020 to solicit feedback from the regulated community and to provide updates on recent actions. Highlights are as follows:
At the present time, NJDEP employees are remotely working but there is very little change in functionality, with the exception of actions that involve physical mail. Any process that involves physical mail will be delayed.
As of May 8th 2020 Administrative Order No. 2020-06 became effective extending the public comment period for a number of environmental programs. For example:
The public comment period for preconstruction permits under the Air Pollution Control Rules identified in N.J.A.C. 7:27-8.10(a)1 through 3 has been extended to 60 days.
The public comment period for draft operating permits under the Air Pollution Control Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:27-22.11 has been extended from 30 to 60 days.
The public comment period on applications for a hazardous waste permit under N.J.A.C. 7:26G-1.4 has been extended from 45 to 75 days.
These changes and others will continue until further notice. For the full notice please go to https://nj.gov/dep/covid19regulatorycompliance/docs/ao2020-06.pdf
General Air Permit GP-019A (Portable Equipment) has replaced the old GP-0019 permit as of April 6th to include the updated Subchapter 8 thresholds. This permit is only valid for 1 year and it allows for multiple GP-019A permits per Facility ID.
There is a new verification window that an applicant must address when registering for a new air permit prior to processing an application. The window will ask to verify the Facility Name, Location, Responsible Official and Mailing Address. If anything is incorrect a Non-Technical Amendment form must be completed and submitted to the NJDEP before proceeding. A Non-Technical Amendment form takes up to 5 business days to be processed by the NJDEP.
The NJDEP Bureau of Air Monitoring released a report entitled, “The Impact of the ‘Stay at Home’ Directive on Air Quality in New Jersey” which is a comparison of 2020 Nitrogen Oxides and Fine Particle Concentrations in New Jersey with data from 2014-2019. The report demonstrates the reduction in emissions of Nitrogen Oxides and Fine Particles during the COVID-19 ‘Stay at Home’ time period. For the full report go to https://www.state.nj.us/dep/cleanair/presentations/2020/comparison.pdf
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