Baron participated in the recent 2020 NJDEP (Rutgers) Air Quality Permitting Seminar held online due to COVID-19.
The Seminar included 14 presentations by members of the NJDEP knowledgeable in the areas ranging from Preconstruction Permits to Emission Offsets/Banking to Permit Compliance and Enforcement (the Agenda can be found here). This also serves as an updated listing of NJDEP contacts for the specific subjects.
The course information stated, "Staying current with new regulations and maintaining compliance with all state and federal air permitting regulations (not to mention avoiding fines, penalties, and pollution problems) is paramount to the success of any business. This online course will help guide you through the air permitting process in New Jersey. It has been updated to inform participants of the latest processes and procedures that will result in the most timely and flexible permits. Our team of experienced instructors will help you understand what permits you need, how to get them, and what to do after you have them. They will also give you an "insider's guide" to the NJDEP website and show you how to streamline the permit application process online. Learn how to save time and money while keeping our air clean!"
The Seminar provided a high level overview of the NJDEP Air regulations, testing and enforcement, and how it is organized and integrated. During each of the sessions the NJDEP personnel reinforced that if you have questions reach out to then, explained how to find information on the NJDEP website, how to utilize the online reporting systems and provided their contact information. They explained some of the recent updates to the regulations, which have been outlined in detail in other Baron Blogs. Baron regularly participates in Seminars with the NJDEP to ensure we keep up with current requirements and maintain current contacts to best support our clients.
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