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Baron Environmental on NJDEP Qualified Environmental Air Compliance Auditor List

Barry Dambach

Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Baron recently participated in the NJDEP Auditor's Workshop: Managing Environmental Compliance. The course was presented by NJDEP / Rutgers as part of their ongoing series supporting Environmental Compliance for companies in NJ.

The course focused on managing environmental compliance to reduce exposure to unnecessary environmental risks. Potential savings can be identified through an environmental audit, and includes examining the facility's environmental records and the organization's environmental policies and regulatory responsibilities. Companies with good environmental management systems incorporate the principles of resource conservation and pollution prevention into their everyday practices to help cost effectively achieve regulatory compliance.

Staying current with regulations and maintaining compliance with air permitting regulations (not to mention avoiding fines, penalties, and pollution problems) is important to the success of any business. Topics included: the Basics of Auditing, Air Compliance and Enforcement, Recycling, food Waste, Energy Star, Toxic Catastrophe Prevention Act, Hazardous Waste Rules, community right To Know, and Discharge Prevention Containment and Countermeasures programs and updates.

This course is part of the NJDEP Qualified Environmental Air Compliance Auditor Program, in which the NJDEP, in cooperation with the Rutgers Office of Continuing Professional Education, developed a series of courses to generate a required list of private qualified approved auditors as mandated in the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1990. The Small Business Assistance Program and Small Business Environmental Ombudsman Office will provide lists of qualified auditors (outside the NJDEP) who can evaluate the consistency of a company's work practices and recordkeeping with applicable clean air requirements.

As such, Baron will be included in the NJDEP list of Qualified Environmental Air Compliance Auditors and can perform audits efficiently, effectively, and in keeping with all NJDEP rules and guidelines.

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