The New Jersey Water Environment Association is a non profit educational organization dedicated to preserving and enhancing the water environment. Founded in 1915 the Association is the oldest organization of its kind in the United States. With a membership of 2800 engineers, operators, scientists , students and other professionals the NJWEA is an environmental leader in New Jersey.
The New Jersey Water Environment Association held the 2022 Fall Technology Transfer Seminar on September 26 - 29 in Eatontown, NJ. This semi-annual event offers the water and wastewater community a variety of informational seminars and continuing education credit opportunities. In addition to the many comprehensive technical sessions offered over the 4 days at this event, representatives from the NJDEP also attended this event and presented topical regulatory updates in areas such as PFAS and CSO Permitting. Industry Manufacturing Representatives and Professional firms attended the event as well and offered presentations and discussions to bring attendees up to date on new products and services.
Baron Environmental was pleased to present at this Fall 2022 NJWEA event. Brian Long, President and CEO, provided a presentation on "The ABCs of Surviving a NJDEP Inspection". The presentation provided the audience assistance in understanding the different types of regulatory inspections and how to be prepared for visits from the NJDEP. In summary, Mr. Long suggested following these basic guidelines:
A - Always be inspection-ready
B - Be a part of the inspection
C - Correct and comply
Baron Environmental Associates was founded 20 years ago to make EHS compliance simple and efficient. The years of experience Baron has working collaboratively with clients and regulators provided the basis for this portion of the lecture series. Baron Environmental Associates' presentation solicited much positive feedback and spirited discussion by the Technology Transfer Seminar attendees.
For more information about Baron Environmental Associates, please visit the website: https://www.baronenv.com/
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The Baron Environmental team-based approach makes environmental, health & safety compliance simple, efficient, and stress-free for people within pharmaceutical manufacturing, life sciences, and other product manufacturing industries. See for yourself how we streamline burdensome regulatory requirements that many companies often face alone.
If you have a technical question, then send us an email using clientservices@baronenv.com In most cases, we will get back to you the same day.
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