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Enforcement Alert for Labeling

Tommy Perez

NJDEP released a compliance alert related to labeling and signage requirements for motor oil.

This alert applies to any retailer or wholesaler selling more than 500 gallons of motor oil per year for use off the premises where sold.

The following requirements apply to these facilities.

  1. Ensure every container of lubricating or other oil is clearly marked or labeled as containing a recyclable material which, after use, shall be disposed of only at a used oil collection center; and

  2. Clearly post and maintain a sign informing the public of the importance of the proper collection and disposal of used oil, including how and where to properly dispose of used oil. The sign must be durable and legible in a format that is at least 11 inches by 15 inches in size and located at or near the point of sale.

Other State of New Jersey Compliance & Enforcement Advisories can be found here.

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