On July 25, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed updates to the Air Emissions Reporting Requirements rule to include reporting of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), or "air toxics”. The proposed rule would require approximately 130,000 facilities to report air toxics emissions data directly to the EPA.
This proposed rule-making may be relevant to manufacturing operations that utilize one or more materials containing HAPs. Here are some examples:
Coatings or inks containing xylene, ethylbenzene, toluene, or other HAP
Flavors or fragrances containing glycol ethers
Sealants or adhesives containing diisocyanates, n-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, toluene diisocyanate, or other HAP
Vitamin powders containing zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, or chromium compounds
Specialty chemicals containing methanol, formaldehyde, 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene, nitrate compounds, or other HAP
Mortars containing lithium carbonate
Specialty metals containing lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), nickel (NI), beryllium (Be), or other HAP
EPA will host webinars and hearings to encourage public feedback. For the full proposal, visit: Air Emissions Reporting Requirements Proposal.
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