The EPA released the initial raw data on TRI reporting for calendar year 2020 and plans to update the data several times in September 2021 based upon late submissions and revisions. As this was the first year PFAS materials were added to the list of reportable chemicals, there was an emphasis on the resultant reporting for these materials. As part of the EPA review of the data related to PFAS, EPA will also include a focused and more rapid effort to provide insights regarding the seemingly limited scope of the reporting, including the types and number of facilities reporting and PFAS reported. Depending upon its findings, EPA plans to take action as appropriate. This could include compliance assistance, enforcement, or proposing modifications to the TRI reporting requirements for PFAS.
The preliminary data showed 89 forms filed for PFAS materials, for 38 facilities. Within the NY Metropolitan area, there were 6 facilities that reported PFAS within the 2020 TRI, including sites in Carlstadt, NJ, Parlin, NJ, Elizabeth, NJ, Enfield, CT, New Haven, CT, and Albany, NY. Using this link you can access the TRI datasets to:
Identify how many TRI facilities operate in a certain geographic area (for example, a ZIP code),
Identify which chemicals are being managed by TRI facilities and in what quantities, and
Find information on pollution prevention activities.
As part of this release, EPA also identified that more PFAS materials will continue to be added to the list of reportable chemicals. In fact, the 2021 Reporting Year will include three new PFAS materials that were not listed in 2020 (identified here).
To learn more about TRI and PFAS, see the EPCRA & Right to Know Programs of our FAQ page.
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