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New NJDEP Greenhouse Gas GHG Reporting – Additional Information on the initial Report Due April 1st

Brian Long

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) released additional information regarding the new Greenhouse Gas (GHG) monitoring and reporting rule (N.J.A.C. 7:27E) during their recent webinar on refrigeration facility registration and annual refrigerant reporting presented on 11/17/22.

This rule required certain facilities to register with the NJDEP by 11/1/22. Once registered, a facility PID number will be issued. Facility PIDs start with the letter Y followed by four digits for this program. After registering, each facility is required to submit an annual report for the calendar year by April 1st of the following year.

Eligible facilities are required to submit their annual reports online with the NJDEP via DEPOnline. The software is now available within DEPOnline.

The GHG rule applies to owners or operators of facilities that install or operate at least one refrigeration system (including refrigerators, freezers and chillers) with a full charge of 50 pounds or more of high-GWP (global warming potential value) refrigerant (including R-22, R-134a, and many others). Registration is NOT required for any HVAC/air conditioning units with charges of 50 pounds or more of high-GWP refrigerant.

The initial annual report (due on 4/1/23) will cover the period from when the rule came into effect (10/1/22) until the end of the year (12/31/22). Future reports (due on 4/1/24 and forward) and all subsequent reports will cover the entire previous calendar year (e.g., 1/1/23 – 12/31/23)

The report includes information for each piece of equipment such as:

• Equipment type

• Manufacturer

• Model number

• Model year

• Serial #

• Temperature classification

• Full charge

• Date of installation

• Refrigerant type.

The report also includes facility wide information such as:

• Quantity of each type of refrigerant

• Quantity purchased, charged, recovered, stored, and shipped offsite

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