The Industrial Stakeholders Group (ISG), whose focus is on air quality permitting in the State of New Jersey, met for their quarterly session on October 7, 2022 via an MS Teams meeting. The planned agenda contained seven (7) primary topics:
GHG Reporting Rules;
GP/GOP Update; Stationary Source Webpage Updates;
Workgroup Updates;
SOTA Manuals Discussion;
Reporting Threshold Grace Period Renewals from the 2017 Rule Revision;
and the Open Discussion.
During the meeting it was noted by Ken Ratzman (NJDEP) that it is unlikely that ISG meetings will ever return to 100% in person meetings. It is possible a hybrid meeting consisting of in person and virtual presence will be the new method moving forward. Below are highlights of the meeting:
GHG Reporting Rules
The Department announced that they were extending the refrigerants registration deadline from 10/1/22 to 11/1/22. The registration fee is $400.00 and in order to report you must add the "GHG Monitoring & Reporting Rule" service to your DEPonline account. The recordkeeping for 2022 will run from 10/1/22 to 12/31/22. 2023 reporting will be the entire year.
Refrigeration reporting info (Who must report) can be found here: https://dep.nj.gov/ghg/ghgmr-rule/refrigeration/
It was mentioned that there is a Methane threshold of 100 tons which would need to be submitted on the emission statement.
GP/GOP Update
There will be a new R&D general permit GP-020A to replace the discontinued GP-020 soon but the NJDEP currently has no timetable on when this will be finalized. At this time, it is still waiting on the stakeholder's response before issuing.
The NJDEP is also currently working on a GP for fumigation.
Stationary Source Webpage Updates;
A new format for the Bureau of Stationary Sources (BOSS) webpage is coming soon. All of the information that was on the old webpage will still be there but just in a different format. Should go live before February 2023.
Workgroup Updates
· Fumigation: Currently working on the fumigation workgroup for the new GP
· Storage Tanks: This workgroup is headed by Tim Pagodin, and is working on emission calculation procedures and risk assessment.
SOTA Manuals Discussion
A new landfill manual draft will be issued by 12/31/22 and a final by March of 2023.
Turbines, boilers, engines, and surface coating is next on the agenda.
Reporting Threshold Grace Period Renewals from the 2017 Rule Revision
Title V renewals with expiration dates prior to 2/12/2021 do not need to update HAPS thresholds until the next renewal cycle even though it is not stated in the rule the grace period is still there. This affects about 90 Title V permits in New Jersey. The NJDEP is still not sure if the new HAP requirements would be addressed by the renewal or a minor mod. The NJDEP will clarify when they issue the ISG meeting notes.
Open Discussion
The Title V renewal backlog is increasing due to the new Environmental Justice Process.
The new general risk screening spreadsheet is 99% complete. Sulfur Fluoride is a chemical that still requires revisions. There is no firm date for completion.
To review the notes on the meeting provided by the NJDEP, follow this link: https://dep.nj.gov/wp-content/uploads/boss/isg/2022/10722highlights.pdf
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