Eagle eyed owners of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's (NJDEP) basic industrial stormwater permit (5G2), may have noticed a new requirement in place that references electronic submissions. Per the current 5G2 permit: "G. 4. a. - Effective December 21, 2020, all permit submittals shall be electronically submitted to the NJDEP via the Department’s designated Electronic Submission Service." As part of our ongoing effort to stay current on all environmental health and safety regulations, Baron initially reached out to the Bureau of Stormwater Permitting late in 2020 for clarification. The response that we received indicated the Electronic Submission Service was not yet active.
More recently, in July 2021 Baron followed up and the NJDEP provided an update on an expected timeline for the implementation of the Electronic Submission Service as follows:
There is no specific timeframe for the implementation of the Electronic Submission Service. The Department will have to create a Service through the State portal and that will take time. Additionally, any electronic submission service will need to be compatible with EPA reporting requirements which will take additional time.
However, until the Electronic Submission Service is officially released, the NJDEP has made available an email address to which documents can be electronically submitted to comply with the electronic submission requirement - industrialstormwaterpermitting@dep.nj.gov.
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